Wagenburg Lohmühle Berlin

Wagenburg Lohmühle Berlin

Flohmarkt auf der Lohmühle – So 17.09. – 12 Uhr

Beginn: 12 Uhr, Standaufbau ab 11:30 Uhr

Standgebühr: Kuchen mitbringen
Bitte eigenen Tisch / Decke mitbringen.

KULTUR MOSAIK BERLIN: Embracing Alternatives – Fr 22.09. – 10 Uhr

KULTUR MOSAIK BERLIN: Embraicing Alternatives
“KULTUR MOSAIK BERLIN: Embraicing Alternatives“ is a cultural event that hosts live music,
art, installations, perfomances, and spoken words from local artists and community groups
from diverse backgrounds, influences and traditions.
Thorugh its fusion of culture and artistic expressions it celebrates the vivid Mosaic of Berlin
and offers a vibrant space for individuals to come together, to build communities and to explore
the constitutive power of interconnecting.
As Art can be used as a powerful tool for inspiration and reflection, the mission of this event is
to ignite collective spirit of togetherness, to support dialogue and to counteract the dominace of
capitalism. We aim to bridge cultural gaps and to promote unity in diversity, encouraging
particpians to co-create and envision alternative realities.
Acording to the mission of the event and fostering to help each other we operate on a free entry with possibility of donation and the proceeds generated from drinks and food is commited to support
communites and proyects in Ecuador and Colombia.
The event has a transdiciplinary agenda and the different areas act as interconnected spaces, so
attendees can move fluidly between creative exchange, live music, and co-creating.
The main stage features a dynamic lineup of musicans, bands and perfomances.
It creates a immersive fusion of rhythms, sounds and artistic expressions, reflecting and
representing the diverse cultural kaleidoskop of Berlin. Participans can get interconnected
through movement and thought provoking artistic expressions. The Potpourri is a celebration zone
that strives to inspire, to empower, and to ignite a collective sense of interconnectedness and
The Multiversum is a creative space that features experimental art installations, dissident paintings
and film screenings. Attendees can explore the various visual artworks that highlight divere
Rainbow Kitchen:
In the Rainbow Kitchen participans can wave networks and envisioning a more interconnected
society. This area fosters intercultural understanding and wants to encourage attendees to think
beyond boundaries. We will be selling some cakes, food and drinks. The proceeds will be sent to
the Salvatorium in Colombia (La Guajira) and to a community project in Ecuador (Quito).
The Tuttifrutti is an alternative art market in which local artists showcase their creations and
“KULTUR MOSAIK BERLIN: Embraicing Diversity“ aims to cultivate an supportive
environment where attendees can come together and celebrate the cultural mosaic of Berlin.
When: 24.09.2023, 10:am
Where: Wagenburg Lohmühle
Lohmühlenstraße 17, 12435 Berlin

Our values
Together we want to create a space where everyone can have a good time, feel accepted and
respected – regardless of gender identity, sexuality, skin colour, religion, ethnicity or ability.
Therefore, we do not tolerate any form of racism, anti-semitism, fascism, sexism, or any other form
of discrimination, harassment or abusive behavior at this event.
Also Actions and discussions should only take place by mutual consent. Ask if the other person
wants to speak or interact with you and make sure to give others space and respect their boundaries.
If you feel harassed or uncomfortable, then report to staff at the entrance or at the bar.
If you see that another person needs help, then ask the person concerned, or let us know, we take all
reports seriously . Don’t leave it to „the others“ to take action. Take care of each other and be
respectful and loving to each other.
The event is meant to be fun for everyone. It’s about supporting each other and creating a space in
which everyone can feel comfortable and in which no discriminatory behavior is tolerated.
Since we all share responsibility for this matter, these values apply to anyone who want to take part
in the event.

Soli event – Sa 02.09. – 17 Uhr

Sara ATH and Mares, Drag Queen Lafert, Ingrid Hideki & Queer Falafel

Soli for perrxs del futuro

Spendensammelaktion + Film „Shadow Game“ – Mi 13.09. – 18 Uhr

Spendensammelaktion (& Bar ab 18:00 Uhr) + Film: Shadow Game (engl., 20:30Uhr)

Spendenaufruf für das frachcollective.org: wir sammeln für People on the Move auf der Balkanroute. Eure Sachspenden gehen an ComPass 071 in Sarajevo (Bosnien und Herzigovina). Fight for freedom of movement!! Wir sammeln: Kleidung (Unisex/Männerkleidung), Hygieneartikel, Elektronik, Sonstiges (mehr Infos auf der Website). Bitte nur aufgelistete und unbeschädigte Sachen.

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Medusa Soliparty – Sa 09.09. – 16 Uhr

Am Samstag den 09.09 findet ab 16 Uhr unsere zweite Soliparty für Betroffene von Sexualisierter Gewalt auf der Lohmühlen Wagenburg (Lohmühlenstr 17) statt.

Wir sind ein frisch gegründetes Kollektiv und setzen uns für Betroffene von Sexualisierter Gewalt ein. Wie auch schon bei unserer letzten Soliparty sammeln wir Geld für die Anwalts- sowie Gerichtskosten von Betroffenen.

Dieses Mal gibt es ab 16 Uhr Infostände, Siebdruck (16:30-18:00) und um 18 Uhr beginnt dann das Konzert. Es spielen: Kalte Knie, Forgotten Energy, Raufasertapete & Fag Town String Band.

Vor Ort gibt es kalte Limo und Bier.

Auch wird es wieder Soli-Shirts, Patches & Sticker geben.

Keine Drogen, Keine Nazis, keine Macker.

Film und Gespräch: „Amaro Filmos – Wir sind hier!“ – Mi 06.09. – 19 Uhr

19:00 Uhr Bar, 20:00 Uhr Film

„Natürlich können Frauen auch Gangster sein!“
In „Amaro Filmos“ (auf Romanes „Unser Film“) geben junge Roma* aus Berlin einen Einblick
in ihr Leben und in ihre Gedankenwelt. Mit Humor und Selbstbewusstsein beantworten die
Protagonistinnen die Fragen: Wie sehen wir uns? Wie werden wir von anderen gesehen? Und was bewegt uns? Der partizipativ entwickelte Dokumentarfilm beleuchtet nicht nur die Träume, Zukunftswünsche und Rollenbilder einer Generation, sondern auch brennende gesellschaftliche Probleme: Rassismus, Gentrifizierung und die damit einhergehende räumliche Verdrängung einer ganzen Community.

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Queer-Café – Sa 19.08. – 17 Uhr

Tr: Anatolian wedding yazın son güneşli gününde sizlere hiç bilmediğiniz (valla bilmiyorsunuz, bu bizim bildiğimiz tombala değil) bir tombala editionla geliyor. Tabiikisi drag Queens DJ’s habbe ve gullüm cabası cabası

De: in den letzten sonnigen Tag von Winter kommt Anatolian Wedding mit drag queen Tombola Edition. Natürlich küfa , Shows, DJs und coole Publikum sind wie immer extra extra extra

Monstrosity x Yeguazas – Fr 25.08. – 15 Uhr

For the first time our drag show Monstrosity is gonna bring a solidarity event to collect founds for the amazing Colombian collective House of Yeguazas

The event starts early with a workshop and a flash soli tatto

Then we gonna have a delicious salsa set with Dj. Dracaena @mariiiiiajoseee

To enjoy the sunset the monstrosity drag show gonna bring a beautiful selection of latin Drag scene in Berlin, with @lapapipatacon hosting.

Ending the performance day,  our guests House of yeguazas gonna give us a mind blowing fire show.

And to close the night a hot cumbi/perreo set to deculonize our souls with Dj mangle @mangle_me

Kumbia Queers – Di 25.07. – 19 Uhr

Bar ab 18 Uhr

– DJ Feminasty

– Soli Cocktails 

for PERFORMACULA migration – transits – movements

Sommerfest – Sa 08.07. – 15 Uhr

Sommerfest auf der Wagenburg Lohmühle

Es spielen:

Unicorn Partisans (DiscoPunk vs. TechnoCrust)
Dr. Dreck (Hiphop, punk)
Tigrrez Punch (rrriot rap) fällt aus, wegen Krankheit
Hauptsachedurch (punkrock)

  • Kidsspace
  • Kaffe & Kuchen
  • Wein & Cocktails
  • Essen & Trinken
  • DJs
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